Re-establishing Queensland as the best address on Earth
Problem: Queensland today is known for its sunshine, beaches and theme parks. A place for a short escapes but there's more than just a ‘sunny beach break’.
Solution: Today’s travellers are looking for more than just a beautiful beach. They are ‘experience hunters’ and the more unexpected and off the beaten track that experience the better. These experiences are prized because they have both a personal and social reward. No-one knows what the real Queensland has to offer like local Queenslanders do. So lets invite people to discover Queensland through an invitation from a proud local.
Every touch point used a genuine Queensland local with an invitation to experience their special part of the world.
The use of content films allowed travellers to discover another side of Queensland by a proud local.
Results: Intent to visit Queensland is at an all time high of 71%. After the campaign 86% of people now believe Queensland has a range of amazing experiences beyond just the beach. The campaign had a 68% persuasion to visit and the recall was at 43%.
The broadcast media used genuine locals in their own part of Queensland to highlight the different experiences on offer to a mass audience.
The invitation to explore experiences in Queensland was continued across all communications.
Tourism Queensland Case Study